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- 1 Invalid screen name
- 2 Service temporarily unavailable
- 4 Incorrect screen name or password
- 5 Invalid password
- 6 Internal client error: bad input to authorizer
- 7 Invalid account
- 8 Deleted account
- 9 Expired account
- 12 Internal server error: bad data from DB
- 13 Bad DB status
- 14 Bad reservation status
- 15 Server internal error
- 17 Connection lost. Check your Internet connection.
- 18 Could not locate the Instant Messenger (TM) service
- 19 No response from the Instant Messenger (TM) service
- 20 Connection refused
- 21 Invalid host address
- 22 A service did not start properly
- 23 Unknown server error
- 24 A password is required
- 25 Server error during authorization
- 26 You must be online to perform that operation
- 27 Internal client error: send to bad group
- 28 Internal server error: send to bad group
- 29 Bad sequence number received
- 30 Proxy lookup failed
- 31 Proxy connect failed
- 32 Proxy negotiate failed
- 33 Proxy authenticate failed
- 34 Proxy request failed
- 35 Signon timeout
- 36 You signed on from another location
- 37 Server error: missing or insufficient reconnect info
- 38 Cannot sign on twice from the same IP address
- 39 You are already signed on at another location
- 40 Signon failed due to rate limiting
- 41 Authorizer temporarily offline
- 42 Suspended account
- 43 Internal server error: DB send error
- 44 Internal server error: DB link error
- 45 Internal server error: reservation map error
- 46 Internal server error: reservation link error
- 47 Already connected from this IP address
- 48 Already connecting from this IP address
- 49 Attempting to sign on again too soon
- 50 You have too many warnings to sign on
- 51 Your account has been deleted
- 52 Internal server error: reservation timeout
- 53 You've been warned by %s. Your warning level has increased from %d%% to %d%%.
- 54 You've been warned by another user. Your warning level has increased from %d%% to %d%%.
- 55 An action failed due to rate limiting. Please wait until the rate indicator is green before trying again.
- 56 Rate limiting occured during sign on. Try again later.
- 57 Client internal error: build number out of range.
- 58 Connection refused by proxy
- 59 Warning Received